Saturday, 26 May 2018

Age Related Diseases

Hello everyone, how are you? in this post, I would like to share info on the association between age and disease among men. As we grow older we become more susceptible to various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and more. Did you know that every disease is related to age and it is very scary because any serious disease can attack men as early as teens.

as we all know, our body system defenses are getting weaker and weaker with our age. Therefore, in this post, I list some diseases that often attack men by age but not all diseases I express here should attack the certain ages listed here and disease does not recognize age, it will attack anyone if the body's defense system is weak. I will divide the ages of men to four men's ages so please pay attention to the illness that might approach any man you know or love.

15- 30 years.
  1. Cancer Testis - bump in the testes.
  2. Depression - hard to sleep, irritability, unstable emotion.
  3. Leukemia - always tired, persistent fatigue, recurrent nosebleeds
  4. Lymphoma - Feeling tired all the time, bumps in the armpits and the groin.
20-40 years.
  1. Diabetes Type 1 - always tired and thirsty, unstable weight.
  2. HIV
  3. Multiple Sclerosis - numb in legs (frequently), 
  4. Schizophrenia - depressed, often hear "voices" or "whisper".
  5. Rheumatoid Arthritis - joint pain, joint swelling, joint redness, limping
40-60 years.
  1. Diabetes Type 2
  2. Obesity
  3. Lung Cancer - frequently coughing and prolonged hoarseness.
60 years and above.
  1. Heart Disease - hard to breathe and chest ache.
  2. Prostate Cancer - hard to urinate.
  3. Vascular Disease - pain in calf muscles.
  4. Osteoporosis
These are some diseases that men often suffer. At the moment, approximately there are 30,000 of diseases identified and might be more. Do we need to worry?....yes and no. Yes because it is related to our health and life then no because if we strive to be healthy and prevent it then we are able to avoid it. it all depends on ourselves and we need to pay attention to the signs of change in our body also ask an expert advice. bye... 

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric has its benefits and uses to us, it contains yellow substances called Curcumin and it gives a yellow color to Turmeric. Turmeric is kind of herb that gives much health benefits and usually becomes a medicine ingredient hundreds of years ago.

In addition, turmeric has some interesting facts through the studies conducted to explore and learn the greatness of this herbaceous plant. From the study of this herb, Turmeric has high and powerful antioxidant, may prevent diseases like cancer (slow it down) and high blood pressure. Besides, Turmeric is proven to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as able to reduce glucose levels. The picture below shows briefly the benefits of Turmeric to our health.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

What Are Foods That Help Prevent Osteoporosis

what is an osteoporosis? 
  • weak bones causing bone damage.
  • disease involving bone.
  • two category stage
    • 1-usually only occurs in menopausal women.
    • 2-occurs to male and female.
  • aging and calcium reduction.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Early Signs of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most common cancer that causes death compared to other cancer for instant breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. Age of 50 years and above frequently exposed to this cancer for whom it has a smoking habit. But smoking habit is not the only one cause of lung cancer, there are many factors that able to cause lung cancer such as exposure to carcinogens and radon gas.

At this entry, I want to share about the early signs of lung cancer so you can make an early step to prevent it and treat it because as we know the cancer is generally going to attack anyone and not just those who smoke but for lung cancer, smoking habit contribute to this cancer. In addition, smoking can also contribute to some types of cancer and diseases such as throat cancer, mouth cancer, heart disease and stroke. If you have these signs, please take note and see your doctor for advice.


Saturday, 14 April 2018

Vitamin D

Have you ever heard of vitamin D?I'm sure you've all heard about it but have you ever thought about what is the function of vitamin D in our body and where it comes from? what does it do to the body? and what can happen if we lack vitamin D. There may be some of you know it. Therefore, my post this time is related to vitamin D and how important this vitamin to us, without this vitamin, many health problems await us such as diabetes and osteoporosis.

Vitamin D plays an important role in our body and it helps the development of our bones, avoiding our bodies from serious diseases and even these vitamins are also involved in preventing the development of cancer. Actually, I am lazy to write too long about vitamin D so I summarize it through infographics below.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Signs Your Body Full of Toxins

Have you ever felt your body uncomfortable and felt something wrong with your body?. If you ever feel that way, your body is telling you that your body is experiencing something we do not know. Many of us unaware that we are very susceptible to direct and indirect toxins. Toxins can enter our body through air, foods, and beverages. If too many toxins in the body, the consequence is that you are susceptible to illness, the body's defense system is weak and disrupts your daily activities. Therefore I would like to share brief info about the signs of too many toxins in your body.

Saturday, 31 March 2018


Barley is a cereal grain and the most consumed grain globally. Barley has impressive health benefits to the human and high source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients which is good for a body.

Monday, 19 March 2018

How Long Does It Take To Digest Food

Different types of foods have a different rate of digestion. Fruits are the quickest rate of digestion of foods and protein is slowest digestion rate. Eating systematically makes your digestion system smoother by eating the quickest to digest foods before your eating the slowest to digest. Eating systematically able to help your digestion process from "food traffic jam" and reduce toxic production

Digestion Times

Monday, 12 March 2018


Coconut is an amazing fruit and has a lot of health benefits to our body. In this video, we able to know the best 7 health benefits of coconut to our diet and body which nobody knows it. Share this secret of coconut to our family and friend.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

what your eyes say about you

Each part of our body is related to the internal organs. Problems that occur in every part of our body also indicate the internal organs are also experiencing health problems. Today, I will share information about the relationship between our eyes and internal organs.


1.) Eye disorders or disturbances are always associated with liver function and indicate you have liver problems. If your eye is red but doesn’t hurt, it is means your liver contains high of toxins. Your eyes become red due to the process of removal of toxins by your body system.

2.) Problems of blurry vision at morning indicate your liver in a process to balance liver’s function.

3.) If your eyes are often to produce rheum or eye booger, you need to take a precaution because your liver’s function is poor and weak. It is occurring because of your body has a high level of acid and indicating the process of removal of toxins.