Saturday 26 May 2018

Age Related Diseases

Hello everyone, how are you? in this post, I would like to share info on the association between age and disease among men. As we grow older we become more susceptible to various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and more. Did you know that every disease is related to age and it is very scary because any serious disease can attack men as early as teens.

as we all know, our body system defenses are getting weaker and weaker with our age. Therefore, in this post, I list some diseases that often attack men by age but not all diseases I express here should attack the certain ages listed here and disease does not recognize age, it will attack anyone if the body's defense system is weak. I will divide the ages of men to four men's ages so please pay attention to the illness that might approach any man you know or love.

15- 30 years.
  1. Cancer Testis - bump in the testes.
  2. Depression - hard to sleep, irritability, unstable emotion.
  3. Leukemia - always tired, persistent fatigue, recurrent nosebleeds
  4. Lymphoma - Feeling tired all the time, bumps in the armpits and the groin.
20-40 years.
  1. Diabetes Type 1 - always tired and thirsty, unstable weight.
  2. HIV
  3. Multiple Sclerosis - numb in legs (frequently), 
  4. Schizophrenia - depressed, often hear "voices" or "whisper".
  5. Rheumatoid Arthritis - joint pain, joint swelling, joint redness, limping
40-60 years.
  1. Diabetes Type 2
  2. Obesity
  3. Lung Cancer - frequently coughing and prolonged hoarseness.
60 years and above.
  1. Heart Disease - hard to breathe and chest ache.
  2. Prostate Cancer - hard to urinate.
  3. Vascular Disease - pain in calf muscles.
  4. Osteoporosis
These are some diseases that men often suffer. At the moment, approximately there are 30,000 of diseases identified and might be more. Do we need to worry?....yes and no. Yes because it is related to our health and life then no because if we strive to be healthy and prevent it then we are able to avoid it. it all depends on ourselves and we need to pay attention to the signs of change in our body also ask an expert advice. bye... 

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